The Luke Wenke Folder

Luke Wenke Letters – Document #71 – 08/24/2023

Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #71) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision in August 2023.

USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
Document #71 – Filed August 24th, 2023

USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #71 – Letter

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“Hello Mr. Sinatra,

I want to show my more pleasant side by directly keep you up to date with my situation. I want this ugly part of my life to end as quickly as possible.

Group therapy three times a week from Olean to Buffalo each time over a Carl Paladino-style email fight from January 2022 with a stranger I never met representing someone my heart beated for three years ago is definitely something that feels like an Obamacare-style government overreach but the survival strategy for the moment looks like it’ll have to be Skyy Homes medical transportation full time hours on the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I am in my own home county and then I will get my old Doordash deliverer account gig going on the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I am mandated to be in Buffalo. There are many people present at group therapy with much more intense and longer lasting mental health issues than I face so perhaps I need to use the time I have with those people to motivate them and boost their moods. Even some of the therapists at Horizons have said they have faced the same mental health issues during Covid their clients have face. We need to work together so our human environment can improve.

I wish to provide some transparency to you. Daniel Christmann of the Capitol Riot was one of my 2019 Libertarian presidential candidates. He has been to my house before; before Covid, I am told he is being evicted from his Brooklyn, NY apartment. I do not know what is coming of his situation but I don’t want anyone’s situation to continue to step on my toes. I am perfectly fine with everyone knowing what’s what so they’re on the same page. I am someone who helped Officers Stover and Walker at Allenwood with K2 and where it comes from. I am aware Pope Francis and the Saudi royals like the coca plant but I am fine with that stuff being FDA regulated. It did not take gay men shooting women dead and lesbians shooting men…”

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“…dead to achieve legalized gay marriage. I want no bad combat in the world anymore.

I am convinced that our country fighting with itself in recent years, ranging everywhere in between fighting with government to a rise in domestic violence cases is comparable to people in high school getting in a fight and later on coming out friends. When an entire country does this it takes longer than an overnight deep breath to resolve things. Perhaps we can ALL learn patience.

I got back home thanks to your heartwarming time served ruling, right away fake numbers started to text me. I have them saved. I went to a Buffalo computer store to see if they could track the IP address, nope. I called Olean Police for help and they said it’s hard to verify to just get a restraining order against anybody. At the end of 2021 I called Olean Police on the eviction ban abusing neighbor who broke in and they were unable to help. Hopefully one day I no longer feel government working against me. Lots of homeowners in Olean feeling disrespected and trying to sell.

Joe Biden did not have an Ambassador to Russia until after Britney Griner came back. Federal labor shortages appear comparable to Burger King labor shortages. I research the Ambassadors to other countries and who they are and the career politician phenomenon appears to hit the Ambassador positions too. You remember me showing you that my grandmother Carolyn Giardini was the Justice of the Peace for the town of Carrollton, NY. My grandfather Paul Wenke was head of the Cattaraugus County Labor Dept. The new President of Brazil went from President, 19 months in prison, to President. Mr. Sinatra how are we going to take my ugly situation of the 2020s and create positive theatre for the people to see–a U.S. Sentencing Judge swears one of George Borrello’s former top tier donors in as an Ambassador eventually? -Luke Wenke”