The Luke Wenke Folder

Luke Wenke Letters – Document #116 – 03/04/2024

Luke Wenke mailed this six-page letter to the judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case in March 2024 from the Orleans County Jail, where he was being held in presentencing detention after pleading guilty to a probation violation charge. Wenke obsesses over his victims for most of the letter.

USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
Document #116 – Filed March 3rd, 2024

USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #116 – Letter

Page 1

“Perhaps the statement has been made in court that ‘nobody is reading Luke Wenke’s letters’, but if I send one directly to the court then it becomes a statement in court. So be it, and now you can have legal evidence that I know how to write in cursive so that way multiple people will know that I know how to and thus won’t be able to pretend to be me over cursive the same way [Katie – me] lied to the … police in September about license plates formerly in my name which my father turned in.

For all absolutely every last person who has passed through John Sinatra’s courtroom throughout the duration of this case personally knows, ‘[Victim-1/R.G.]’ is the legal equivalent to ‘Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing’ with a few decades of advancements in artificial intelligence technology hacked by malicious Chinese authorities. Simply because he never had to appear in court, none of us truly know if he is even a real person. Someone on the jury that never happened knows him? Prove it. The first prosecutor David Rudroff talked to him on the phone? Then the Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing software’s voice replicator is acting up. I never met [Victim-1/R.G.] face to face. I tried to under plenty of positive face to face encounters similar to my prior experiences dealing with employees of the Salamanca C.C.S.E. credit union or state senator George Borrello. I recall a fake profile on the Recon fetish app (documented in the F.B.I. discovery) considering meeting me at the Mike’s Place restaurant in Ohio where I also met with Nathan Leaver in 2021. I assumed the fake Recon profile was ‘[Victim-1/R.G.]’ secretly touching himself to an early 2021 picture of me street entertaining in Las Vegas while his alleged wife [Victim-1’s spouse] wasn’t looking, but…”

Page 2

[UPPER MARGIN: I consider it a violation of Equal Protection Under The Law rights that the notion of public defender’s office receiving their funding directly from prosecutor’s offices is even a thing since private firms receive their funding through non-conflict of interest sources.]

…I inevitably never saw ‘[Victim-1/R.G.]’ at Mike’s Place of Ohio. Either ‘he’ is a heteroflexible closet case or ‘he’ is just the Windows 98 cartoon paper clip giving legal advice to people who still use Juno Dialup internet. Yes I have been physically present in the Minneapolis building that claims a scary ghost named ‘[Victim-1/R.G.]’ lives in the basement’s broom closet, but I am afraid my [illegible] gland wasn’t working at the moment to witness this alleged supernatural ‘[Victim-1/R.G.]’ occurrence firsthand.

1 Corinthians 13 to Benjamin Ryan [last name] (or whatever he may be going by these days on his Witness Protection A.T.M. card) wherever he may be. I have absolutely met him face to face, but way back in 2020 my Freedom To Assemble Constitutional right with him was illegally revoked by the alleged person I previously accused of being the Mavis Beacon Typing educational software. Back in September 2020, I did not know the ‘you cannot legally prove who is behind an electronic device’ criminal defense strategy yet. I do recall back then Andrew and Krystie at the Buffalo F.B.I. telling me that Benjamin [Ryan] and Michael Solomon had just been arrested the day it happened. They acted like he was about to be permanently deleted from existence. A week later I was personally in touch with Elexya [last name] of Charleston, S.C. and she came with photographic proof of her and [Ryan] knowing each other. I would later on meet her face to face as of December 2020. Elexya [last name] says she is a starseed from the Pleiades, and I see that star constellation written out in Amos 5:8 of the Bible. I don’t have evidence to back up that claim of her’s. She also said to me she lived at [Ryan’s parents]’ for a year while texting a cell phone number she claimed …”

Page 3

[UPPER MARGIN: This letter written past-Donald Trump’s victory in South Carolina’s primary.
Reasonable suspicion to believe that John Sinatra wants to be promoted into an Appeals Court Judge position.]

…was Brett [last name] instructing me to ‘calm my emotions down’ while I was in the car with her December 2020 while I was outside her Charleston, S.C. strip club place of work. I do not have evidence of her claims that she’s lived with [Ryan’s parents] and their oldest son along with their alleged two younger sons.

Which brings me to my next point. I met Benjamin [Ryan] in the Libertarian Party. I never met his alleged father Brett [last name] either. I only texted a phone number I thought was ‘Brett [last name]’ between the months of September 2020 and December 2021. This reasonably suspected to-be artificial intelligence occurrence which claimed to be Benjamin Ryan [last name]’s father also claimed to have Crohn’s Disease. Reiki experts agree that Crohn’s Disease means your truth chakra is way off energetically speaking; aka lying. The Libertarian Party commits idolatry sins by worshipping people like Ross Ulbricht, Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and even former 2018 N.Y. gubernatorial candidate Larry David Sharpe on a frequent basis. People like Chris [last name] of [city], M— [last name] of Olean, Tony D—— of Rochester, Andrew K—— of Jamestown, Daniel D——- of Dutchess County; they all idol worship Larry Sharpe way too hard. They are fond of making fake social media profiles going by names like ‘Dulap Nelson’ which, as I remember, received more delegate votes than I did in the 2020 Libertarian National Chairman as an act of protest against me. They are a 50+ year old fringe third party consisting of nothing but a bunch of assholes coming up with asinine political concepts such as the ‘Radical Caucus’ or the ‘Audacious Caucus’ yet hardly ever winning elections or court cases. I do recall placing…”

Page 4

“[UPPER MARGIN: What’s next? Federal courts mandating that the U.S. Marshals pay for Catholic exorcism on mentally retarded inmates who identify as vampires named Joe Ellis who the poor, innocent, and hardworking staff at Orleans County Jail don’t know what to do with? Joe says very violent things during rec. and they say he walks around Dollar General with a machete.]

…a ‘Luke Wenke for Coroner’ sign on the front lawn of [address] of [city], N.C. which, according to the internet, is owned by a 50-something year old named Brett [last name], but I never did meet the alleged ‘Brett [last name]’ face to face which claimed to be behind that phone number I texted for over a year. I was sent a picture of an older man with a younger brown haired son at what was apparently a Smashing Pumpkins concert from that phone number once but I don’t know through face to face confirmation if those two people are of any affiliation with my court case here. ‘Brett’ may be a Libertarian troll, too.

‘Katie [last name]’ is the final highly suspected false witness in this letter to identify. As I understand, Marianne Mariano first met Katie as my case first started when she received possession of my then-car. I do recall a picture of myself and Katie together in my F.B.I. Discovery, but that picture is from 2014. In September, Katie absolutely lied to the … police about 2022 license plates of mine she said she saw near her house. Too bad because my father turned those in in 2022 legally. I saw Katie face to face last in December 2020 at her house. Great memories I have with her from better times visiting the alleged Betty and Barney Hill abduction sight on the road in 2018 up in New Hampshire. Yes, it turns out that after four years of newfound emotional federal experience that it is highly likely that I do know more about extraterrestrials than Andrew and Krystie at the Buffalo F.B.I. do. I remember reporting on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction story and it’s association with the Zeta Reticuli binary star system when I was a student at Jamestown Community College of Jamestown in astronomy class at the end of 2011. I often have fun floating the idea of being sworn…”

Page 5

[UPPER MARGIN: I am recalling in my mind Alexander Anzalone’s client K—— S—- who I met back at Niagara County Jail making profit for his commissary account by trading Suboxone with everybody. K—— S—- was much bigger than me. I remember sitting in the waiting room with him once, both of us waiting for Alexander Anzalone. Since I was new to jail and scared of my environment back then, I was willing to listen to K—— S—- on what to do on any day of the week; including the day a guilty plea was legally accepted in court in my name.]

…into office as the United States Ambassador to Zeta Reticuli under a hypothetical President Vermin Supreme Democratic administration by any willing and able bodied for-life appointed federal judges along with Benjamin [Ryan] and his Curt Devine C.N.N. documented jihad scarf holding a copy of ‘The Gospel of Bowtie: A New Testament Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster’ for me to place my right hand on during the oath of office. I would definitely require federal law enforcement to be present for safety reasons once we finally figure out how to deliberately beckon for their physical presence. I read about Project [illegible] online; the Grays from Zeta Reticuli continuously request Earthly human D.N.A. as their currency payment for our participation in interstellar economics and I would absolutely give them my permission to take as much D.N.A. from any human female redheads as they want since people with red hair, especially their women, are stereotypically so greatly bitchy that no human male’s primate instincts ever have enough energy to consider mating with them to produce any offspring.

Anyways, I digress. While Katie [last name] is likely still out there somewhere still alive more than eager to discuss that 2018 road trip to see the New Hampshire Betty and Barney hill abduction sight road marker, because she is documented as lying to the … police already and because it’s been more than two years since Marianne Mariano even saw her, anyone called into John Sinatra’s courtroom claiming to be ‘Katie [last name]’ would likely appear fatter and bitchier than the 2014 sample in court files due to Covid quarantining taking a toll on people who work from home on a laptop. We would then require a full audit of who all of her employers are. We…”

Page 6

[UPPER MARGIN: As my fully intact memory recalls, this case’s legally-identified-by-my-eyes-personally illegal conviction came at a time when there was a different prosecutor and defense involved in producing a result on paper without the judge’s direct influence. It is legally classified as a guilty plea which completely bypassed a trial at a time in which Alexander Anzalone did not let me say one word for myself in court. People I never met before were liable to show up and lie just like Katie [last name] does to the police during their jury duty appearance.]

…would then have to call in the Cattaraugus County area former lovers like Pat Sheehy and I– S—— to verify what she does to men who get in close proximity to her in the long run as her own character witnesses in court. Since Katie mysteriously received a copy of my F.B.I. Discovery before any of my relatives did, we would then have to audit anyone showing up to court all the sudden claiming to be ‘Victim-1/R.G.’ since it is difficult to legally prove who Minneapolis-area lawyers may or may not be electronically paying on Cashapp. I would also like to thank this court for dropping those October 2023 indictments stemming from Katie and ‘Brett [last name]’ since this court’s knowledge on Crohn’s Disease and the … Police point to possible truth bloopers in the courtroom.

I rest my written case for the present time being. Everyone in this court has verified that none of them are federally vetted and licensed psychiatrists. So when is this long awaited 20 hour analysis going to begin? It is now time for expert medical approval on all of my truthful statements over this letter. According to my own current analysis, federal courts may in fact be much busier dealing with cases like Michael Regan’s here at Orleans County Jail who I am told is a former corrections officer as he sits in solitude in his own cell in the corner directly across the room from the table I sit at as I write this letter, but I do seem to be picking up on a federal judge who is trying to pull both defense and prosecution closer to tentative dates of resolution over all matters.

-Luke Wenke; Permanently Former Cattaraugus County Libertarian Chairman”