The Luke Wenke Folder

Tag: Cattaraugus County Jail

Posts mentioning or focusing on Luke Wenke’s time at the Cattaraugus County Jail in Little Valley, New York from October 3, 2023 to December 8, 2023.

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #92 – 11/03/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #92 – 11/03/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this six-page letter (Document #92) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case from the Cattaraugus County Jail in October 2023 while detained on multiple probation violation charges.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #92 – Filed November 3rd, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #92 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Dear John Sinatra,

    This is my final ‘third time is the charm’ letter to you from here as we approach that November 7th date I just learned about. My heart is not racing at all, I am looking forward to a positive outcome. You listen to the entire courtroom before making a decision and you were so perfectly nice in August I absolutely walked out of that courtroom regretting not having spoken.

    I know you know very well I have been doing the ‘Only Lauren [romantic obsession Ryan’s mother]’ letter thing. It is not illegal in one way shape or another [illegible] after re-reading legal paperwork from Frank Passafiume, but I am remembering former Congress candidate Nate McMurray’s brother Todd McMurray screaming at his mother on the phone at Niagara County Jail even though she had an order of protection against him and the judge felt bad anyways. I recall watching Judge Jeanine on Fox scream ‘We don’t have a justice system’ on tv at Chautauqua County Jail during the ‘Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal’ chapter of recent American history and then the judge blocked the decision and Judge Jeanine shouted ‘We have justice’. I recall your perfectly intact humanity this past August so you have already received preparation for the ‘Luke is talking for himself’ defense, it is now time for some more humanity on my end.

    I will start off by saying positive things about both Katie and Brett [romantic obsession Ryan’s father]. Katie first since I have known her face to face way longer. I remember her coming into Salamanca Subway when I worked there in 2010 while also a student at … of Olean. She had … bought for herself. She was married to J— at this time. After she left Salamanca after her divorce, her and I talked online up until 2014 when I saw her again in Brooklyn while she was an NYU student. It was around this time I was taking a class through Edge Studio in NYC I traveled to attend in person. After NYU she spent a lot of time living elsewhere and so we did not see each other face to face again until 2018 on two separate occasions. She can perfectly recall her cat being out in Wisconsin and my help taking her out there, summer 2018 we drove every state in New England and she took the picture of me in front of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction sign in New Hampshire. She sat at Mt. Herman Pole Dojo when I first opened that place, she took a picture of me in her house at the end of 2020, I gave…”

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    “…her a crockpot back in 2021, and the documented phone calls between her and I while I was at Niagara County Jail should still be there. My first two letters to you have given you plenty of leads on other aspects of her character I expect there to be an equilibrium on before the court hearing so Judge Jeanine can also scream ‘We have justice’ if Marianne Mariano also wants to testify against Katie, but the point is Katie and I know plenty of happier times.

    Brett. Met over text September 2020 after his son’s arrest but never face to face. There are pictures of myself and Elexya together in my FBI Discovery in 2020 and a picture of her and Benjamin [/Ryan, romantic obsession] together too in Brett’s house in my FBI Discovery. Brett can recall me emotionally blurting out the words ‘father in law’ to him over text Sept. 2020. He provided me with a picture of his then-14 year old with former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson in 2012, I believe it may be findable online too. We don’t receive pictures of federal inmates at 14 years old unless we are on texting terms with their family. Brett has two other younger sons I do not know the first names of admittedly but all three of his offspring were homeschooled and he plans on retiring to Argentina when all three kids are grown up with his wife Lauren (a psychology enthusiast). Brett’s interests involve growing trees and Greek mythology. He lead me to a book on psychological confidence while I was upset about his son. He can recall me asking him to get the Moderna vaccine so he wouldn’t die of Covid. He may or may not still have a Luke Wenke for Coroner 2019 yard sign with ‘Libertarian party’ on it since I learned in 2020 he and his fellow North Carolina Libertarian registered voters like Mark had been watching my affairs online from the comforts of the south. In 2021 though Brett can recall supporting Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump for 2024. Come Covid Omicron, I thanked him for giving me ‘T—– Balls’ for Christmas, but during that stage of Covid people’s continued fighting negatively affected my indirect homeschool spelling lessons-over-text with him and his two other younger kids, and January 2022’s inevitable reality became a factor as his attorney’s stay at home paralegal used my car.

    At Chautauqua County Jail, someone told me ‘9 times out of 10 orders of protection situations get over it and come back together but better than before’, and my mother’s 2017 situation with the…”

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    “…father of one of her three kids (Duane) proves that statement true 6 years later. ‘Things get darker before they get lighter’ and ‘Everything works out in the end’ I continue to hear in recent times. Due to the perfectly truthful statements made to you over this letter, I have faith that that can come out of this court hearing coming up.

    I want you to know that two days ago prior to my writing this to you (Oct. 29th), I went to bed feeling extremely awful about my share of dragging this entire thing out for the two years I have let them go on. I could have been permanently home Sept. 2022 without one more day like this had I been on top of the Indiana case while in Allenwood. I did not have to say very dark things to Brett over text in May of this year after Buffalo Medical Transportation denied me a job for insurance reasons after I waited for their response week after week. Why did I not take them to court rather than just signing the ‘don’t talk to us’ orders? We could have solved things positively in a supervised setting. Shame on me for thinking with my emotions rather than with logic. I have even said over letter to ‘Only Lauren’ (the one I am sending out today, Oct. 31st) I wish I introduced myself face to face under polite circumstances right away Sept. 2020 rather than find time to street entertain in Las Vegas (something Brett also remembers me live texting him about). January and February 2022 right away I had come to terms with over a decade of internet drama boiling to the top with the internet activity I allowed to happen under my watch. March 2022, I finally came to terms with the humanity issue surrounding [Victim-1/R.G.]’s side of things. I am upset that it took up until now to come to terms with personal regret over handling my entire side of the situation the way I did. I’ve even been upset over giving Katie her crockpot back by leaving it on a park bench rather than in person in 2021. If I want a more personally acceptable human environment in the world around me then obviously the ‘lead by example’ factor matters. ‘What we give we get’ is very true.

    I want you to know about another situation taking place in this jail with another defendant you have I believe may be quite a sign of ‘divine timing’ and ‘syncronicity’ taking place. Someone with the last name Abughanem, from Yemen and accused of trying to force his…”

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    “…daughter to marry someone according to his definition of Muslim decree. My father Kevin Wenke who I told you rents from your Sinatra relation was once with a woman named Ekram who also comes from Yemen. Her family also pushed my father away because he was not Muslim enough for their liking. I don’t want to hear Mr. Abughanem come up with his own ‘but the Koran says we have to marry Muslim’ excuses for whatever the Edmund FBI agent in his paperwork is saying he tried doing ‘without audio or video evidence’ in Abughanem’s words. I don’t want to hear him simultaneously complain about whatever petty turf war is taking place in Yemen either because it is no different than the accusations I read about in his paperwork. Due to all this Yemen talk I’m giving in this letter, it’s just another ‘Why is there no Sinatra Oil company in Yemen’ talking my point. My father would not want to deal with a sex offender halfway house and he seems to think Brazil is hopelessly savage, so since he always idolized his uncle my grandmother’s brother Walt Nye a former Dresser Rand VP, I don’t see why my father the Sinatra tenant can’t use his University of Tennessee MBA productively and go right to Yemen on behalf of hypothetical multiple Sinatra interests I mentioned here on page 4.

    Bear Nugz is a store in Salamanca that sells LSD under the table, according to people in here. Nobody can accuse me of being useless for federal affairs simply because I have an extraordinarily frustrating personal situation with so many legal issues I am determined to fix. I am telling you useful information directly over letter, I am expressing my unfettered thoughts and emotions over this entire ordeal. There is someone in here wearing rosary beads, thereby proving your June ‘We are not Nazi America’ statement in court true. Egypt had plague after plague and fought with itself for 40 years in the Book of Ezekiel before coming back together ‘but never exalting itself again’. It’s up to me to stop my share of vitriol during these American Book of Ezekiel everyone versus everyone wars, but we are not continuing this for 40 years. Impossible for a sea to shining sea country with Ukrainian bread factories and Okinawan military bases to ‘never exalt itself again’. I am convinced we can recover and I would prefer to see that recovery start with positive dialogue with Brett and Katie right in that courtroom…”

    Page 5

    “…since I already started this letter writing out the positive past they know very well is there and can’t lie about. I have already laid out my end of my defense for obvious reasons, I know you know how to see through things. No kidding I haven’t seen Benjamin [/Ryan, romantic obsession] in three years thanks to an extraordinary Freedom to Assemble violation taking place. Not one more day of ‘Luke Wenke is a public safety threat’ please. Felons can vote in NY state since 2016 and 2022 in North Carolina, all drugs decriminalized in Oregon in 2022, death sentences going away even in the most ‘heinous’ of examples right before our eyes. We are likely less than 75 years away from murder itself becoming obsolete. You know about Abraham Lincoln’s civil war medium Nettie Colburn Maynard thanks to my summer mental health report. Sylvia Browne predicted ‘the next president is black’ when Bush was in there and the Kardashians reminded us about her 2020 Covid prediction. She predicted ‘the veil will thin by the end of the 21st century,’ meaning everyone becomes Sylvia Browne, Nettie Colburn Maynard, and Michael Crick … with his extraordinary ‘Luke Wenke and Benjamin’ claims since July 2020. The implications of this means you will see spirits in longtime ‘haunted houses’ demanding property rights from their county governments. Murdering someone means their spirit testifies against the defendant in court.

    Mr. John L. Sinatra I have attempted to ‘sell’ you on my own faith beliefs in the most structured way possible using my own words. What I have described to you is the ultimate ‘God is watching’ belief system I could possibly provide. God is watching us tell the truth and tell lies. It is not a lie for me to say in writing that there is court documentation of all of them having my handwriting for over a year now and I have reasonable suspicion to believe that they will not admit court to working together to try and get me arrested in September claiming license plates of mine that were legally turned in last year were seen near Katie’s house. I expect them to Plead the Fifth if Marianne Mariano and this new guy Frank do their job and prepare I have given everyone weeks in advance to know about. So nobody will be pleading guilty to anything in court I guess.”

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    “‘9 times out of 10 orders of protection situations get over it and go back to getting along’ I was told in Chautauqua County Jail by someone who knew George Borrello. God is watching everyone in that federal courtroom as God is watching me too. Marianne and Frank will be getting a letter from me too with all the preparation needed to prevent all further horrific instances from continuing. I don’t blame my father for being unable to get over Ekram, seeing how her Yemen (south Saudi Arabia) family forbid him from entering this extreme version of Islam your defendant Mr. Abughanem is presenting me in here. Thankfully my stepmother F—– got her citizenship in this God fearing nation from her native Morocco last year.

    I will be thinking about Frederick Douglass back in the U.S. Marshals part of the building before court on November 7th which I assume was scheduled without giving me notice in the hopes that I would be caught off guard and not have enough time to prepare myself to speak for myself finally. [Victim-1/R.G.] is far too Christian to instruct his subordinates to lie in John Sinatra’s God fearing courtroom. I look forward to true God-fearing forgiveness from both myself finally and [Victim-1/R.G.]’s entourage finally after I produce a sex offender and violent offender FSA class framework for him to sophisticate and pass into law without feeling the need to give me my public credit.

    Free the slaves said God after he threw plague after plague at Egypt over the matter. Free the institutionalized said God to America during it’s first last and only pandemic, as predicted by the angel who gave George Washington a vision. The Book of George in a new Bible will explain to Christians in the year 3000 why America wound up beating out the antiquated Israel/Palestine ‘gorillas throwing feces at each other’s face’ turf war. No more murder once the veil thins since the murdered will be to testify against their assailants in a ‘no statute of limitations’ 22nd century American courtroom. Thank god for the convicted 101 year old former Nazi getting sentenced to 5 years in 2022. World War Two finishes up accordingly during World War Three.

    –Luke Wenke”

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #87 – 10/30/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #87 – 10/30/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #87) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision from the Cattaraugus County Jail in October 2023 while detained on multiple probation violation charges.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #86 – Filed October 30th, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #87 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Dear John Sinatra,

    It is another letter from me, trying to prove you wrong when you say I need to learn how to live and work with people around me. I have decided that the reality around me is that everyone has no option BUT to live and work with me, especially after this extraordinary federal level personal life intrusion on my end.

    You know the gold mine of ideas I gave you after my first letter to you from here. Now I will help Sinatra family interests even more. First of all, I learned at Allenwood that there is a shortage of federal halfway houses. I recommend Ellicottville over Olean. Canadian tourists aren’t Googling the names of their ski lift operators, Olean never had it in them to accept the reality of Genesis House recovering drug addicts. So Ellicottville’s more forgiving environment over Olean’s nosey behavior. Carl Paladino recently moved to Florida and nobody knows who William Paladino is so Ellicott Development is due for competition from Sinatra interests. $50 tips all over the place at Ellicottville’s ski resorts and hotels waiting to happen for people like Kenneth who I met at CCA. 25 years for touching a 3 year old. I don’t think he’ll get his job at Bank of America back.

    David Rudroff has my blessing to indict my father Kevin Wenke, your Sinatra relation’s Buffalo tenant, on any and all financial federal crimes he likes after my father’s extraordinary debt is audited. A simple indictment on him will help the cause of justice on so many fronts. His first of four wives my mother Janet (whose phone number you have now) is not happy about the illegal suggestions he is making surrounding my fate with Matt Zenger. My father did not answer my phone calls at all last year while like this nor did he [illegible] raise me directly. I visited my grandparents (his parents) every other weekend, not him. My mother’s mother the village level judge you know about always helped get “blood out of a stone” by helping the cause of my father always losing in family court back in the day. A mere federal financial indictment on him will encourage him…”

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    “…to do legitimate work for once so [illegible] don’t fight over his outstanding debt one day. Also so he doesn’t fall behind in rent payments to your Sinatra relation as he IS prone to do. Keep in mind his 4th and current wife F—– only got her citizenship last year after this happened to me after more than ten years of being here. She is from Marrakech, Morocco. I taught her how to drive in 2016 so she could get her NY driver’s license.

    There’s your Henry Kissinger-style “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac” move from me. After you initiate an audit and indictment on my father, you can call his first wife and take her to George Borrello’s next fundraiser and tell her about it. You’re welcome. You have had my inner personal blessing to do this since at least May and June but Alex wouldn’t let me write a real letter to you last year. Oh also my father has illegally voted in Florida while living in NY before.

    I am concerned about Katie. My mother called NY state troopers on her last year and now there is NY state trooper paperwork proof saying Katie had schizophrenia and appeared to be on drugs at her front door. She and Matt Zenger worked together in September trying to get me arrested illegally claiming old license plates of mine that were legally turned in last year and I’m sure there is still police proof of this too. My mother said Katie had my FBI Discovery last year before any of us did. Marianne Mariano did not trust Katie last year when she met Katie face to face. I am concerned Katie may illegally produce fingerprints of mine and smother them all over her car and this why we need to get [Victim-1/R.G.] audited so we know who his employees are.

    I would also like to see Michael Crick subpoena’d into this as a witness. He is on the Salamanca Zoning Board and he is a Lilydale NY accredited medium intimately aware of my situation with [romantic obsession Benjamin/Ryan] since July 2020. Nobody wants to be in their 60s with no relationship like Michael is and I am sick of being lead on with no light at the end of the tunnel yet. Horizons Mental Health employees said we have a mental health right to sexual needs and so far this entire case against me has been a human rights damnation on me. Felonies are an unconstitutional phenomenon damning the Freedom to Assemble. Time for a Constitutional Amendment banning them.

    I hope the next court appearance solves problems between everyone positively. I think it can.

    -Luke Wenke”

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #86 – 10/25/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #86 – 10/25/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #86) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision from the Cattaraugus County Jail in October 2023.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #86 – Filed October 25th, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #86 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Dear John,

    I have been face to face with Carl Paladino alone in his office July 2019. I was one of George Borrello’s top donors as late as 2021 before this mess happened to me. David DiPietro and I sat at the bagel and cream cheese diner by his East Aurora house May 2019 and talked about things like Ron Paul and Upstate NY statehood. The mother to the former owner of Salamanca Napoli’s Pizza, Helen [illegible], told me when I worked there in 2011 that I was ‘too honest for my own good.’ You also know thanks to another letter I sent you that we came from a lifetime of facing my village level judge of a grandmother Carolyn Giardini.

    John Sinatra you don’t get to tell me I don’t know how to live and work with people around me, so I am going to get us off to a positive headstart for October 26th by doing my best to prove you wrong [illegible] letter. When I got back home from Allenwood March 31st, one of many things I did except get all teary eyed when I saw that Benjamin got 48 months and told myself wow I would have shut up and waited had I known that, I also looked you up. You are in your 50s and you don’t have a significant other on your Wikipedia. Did I make fun of you? No, I said wow he’s in the same boat I am. Wow, Covid probably hijacked his social life like it did to the rest of us. So here’s what I’m going to do to start off my ‘proving John Sinatra wrong’ experiment.

    My mother Janet McCaul is in that picture of me, her, and George Borrello you see in my court files. She is a piano teacher, SUNY graduate (Fredonia) Masters degree. Use your nieces, nephews, and other younger relatives’ music lessons needs to give yourself an excuse to go see her in Salamanca. We were supposed to go to George’s fundraiser in June, too bad off to Chautauqua County Jail with me so I could get diagnosed with borderline personality traits. The St. Cecilia portrait I got for her in 2021 watches over her piano room. That is her house and guys go after her for her money, not the other way around. 716-***-****. Ask her about her cousin Angela Giardini Nelson, she’s a major force organizing events at St. Bonaventure University Angela’s husband Tom beats her too often, go fix that problem.

    My 71 year old grandmother Cindy Nye Wenke hasn’t been married to my grandfather since 2005 and she always did look young for her age. Use her seamstress business available at 716-***-**** as an excuse to perfect your judge gown and take her shopping at her ex-boyfriend Greg DiCola’s Olean store Armond’s Fashion For Men and demand he lower his prices to your liking. Do well with all of the three of them and maybe next we’ll get my 80 year old junkyard millionaire cousin Bob Giardini (NY state troopers had to talk…”

    Side Note in Margin: “Angela’s sister Valerie was once a corrections officer at this very jail I’m at, Valerie is two years older than me, I don’t know her relationship situation these days so ask about her too.”

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    “…to him while I was at Chautauqua County Jail because he took a back hoe to his neighbor) to introduce you to his recently college graduated granddaughters. Ok so I did my best there trying to prove this ‘Luke doesn’t work well with people around him’ accusation wrong in terms of personal stuff, not financial stuff. On August 10th when I left jail, my father Kevin Wenke got a tour of a Sinatra rental property in Buffalo and now he rents it. 407-***-****, make sure his University of Tennessee MBA is put to good use and he does Sinatra family business paperwork in case he needs to make a deal with you guys if he falls behind in rent. He DOES have a lot of debt, my grandfather had to buy him a new car last year while I was at Allenwood and then he sold the car he got for free because who knows why.

    Oakley sunglasses stock in the spring before summer, North Face winter jacket stock in the fall right before snow. Go profit off stock speculation all you need. The minimum wage in Brazil is $258 USD per month, way lower than China’s. Why can’t Sinatras make everything for sale at Walmart cheaper in Brazil? Why can’t Donald Trump Judge John Sinatra look into every last Prohibition bootlegging era conspiracy entrapment that happened and get them posthumously overturned? Go put on a pinstripe suit, put a shiny ring on every finger, take a picture and put it on your book entitled ‘Mafia Judge’ and go talk about it on Bill Maher’s show. Those things are just as overturn-able in front of the US Supreme Court as mine is — June 2023, a Colorado guy who did 4.5 years starting in 2014 got overturned on grounds of ‘raising the bar for free speech’, July 2023 someone who screamed way too hard at an elections official in a different state over email got overturned. Do it to mine, produce a wrongful incarceration check for every day I did like this, and donate every dollar to any charitable cause because I don’t need the money. I just helped you with business matters big time.

    I am not a public safety threat. A few weeks before this little stunt happened, Matt Zenger can gladly testify to Katie trying to get me arrested by lying to police saying I was using my license plates that were legally turned in over a year ago by her house. Marianne Mariano should be prepared with those facts too. I know Brett nor Katie will admit guilt in court on October 26th, I expect one big I Plead The Fifth Palooza from those guys. Matt Zenger lied to me when he said ‘Come to Buffalo for a UA test’ and then boom jail. Making false statements in court gets us a Class A misdemeanor and Helen [illegible] said I’m too honest for my own good, remember?

    Brett and Lauren have two other younger sons they homeschool, they need to teach them cursive rather than holding ‘Luke Wenke handwriting plagiarism 101’ as I presume they do. Court documented evidence of all of them [illegible] my handwriting for a while now, they won’t be admitting guilt to any of my accusations Marianne Mariano knows about. I know you see the heartbreak that drags on and on with mine and Benjamin’s forced separation, might as well put him on the FedJet, fly him here, and marry us in handcuffs in front of you to save the extraordinary ‘Freedom to Assemble’ violation taking place not letting me and him talk things out like adults.

    I am in touch with Rob Yates with the North Carolina Libertarian Party again, that helps. Also I don’t recall Lauren specifically being in my ‘don’t contact’ paperwork nor do I know the emotional relationship status between her and Brett, last I know Brett and Lauren had issues. Katie, who I’ve known for 13 years, can explain. Looking forward to talking. -Luke Wenke”