The Luke Wenke Folder

Tag: FCI Allenwood

Posts mentioning or focusing on Luke Wenke’s time at the Federal Correctional Institution, Allenwood in White Deere, Pennsylvania, where he served prison time for cyberstalking between April 2022 and late March 2023.

  • USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #23 – Plea Agreement

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #23 – Plea Agreement

    In April 2022, Luke Wenke of Olean, New York pleaded guilty to a federal cyberstalking charge. Prosecutors dropped an interstate threat charge in exchange for his plea, and he was sentenced to 18 months at FCI Allenwood in White Deere, Pennsylvania.

    As part of the plea agreement, Wenke acknowledged that he was pleading guilty both knowingly and of his own free will, and that no one had tried to pressure him into pleading guilty. He also acknowledged that his criminal behaviour could only be a “one-time thing.”
    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #23 – Plea Agreement

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #87 – 10/30/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #87 – 10/30/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #87) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision from the Cattaraugus County Jail in October 2023 while detained on multiple probation violation charges.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #86 – Filed October 30th, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #87 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Dear John Sinatra,

    It is another letter from me, trying to prove you wrong when you say I need to learn how to live and work with people around me. I have decided that the reality around me is that everyone has no option BUT to live and work with me, especially after this extraordinary federal level personal life intrusion on my end.

    You know the gold mine of ideas I gave you after my first letter to you from here. Now I will help Sinatra family interests even more. First of all, I learned at Allenwood that there is a shortage of federal halfway houses. I recommend Ellicottville over Olean. Canadian tourists aren’t Googling the names of their ski lift operators, Olean never had it in them to accept the reality of Genesis House recovering drug addicts. So Ellicottville’s more forgiving environment over Olean’s nosey behavior. Carl Paladino recently moved to Florida and nobody knows who William Paladino is so Ellicott Development is due for competition from Sinatra interests. $50 tips all over the place at Ellicottville’s ski resorts and hotels waiting to happen for people like Kenneth who I met at CCA. 25 years for touching a 3 year old. I don’t think he’ll get his job at Bank of America back.

    David Rudroff has my blessing to indict my father Kevin Wenke, your Sinatra relation’s Buffalo tenant, on any and all financial federal crimes he likes after my father’s extraordinary debt is audited. A simple indictment on him will help the cause of justice on so many fronts. His first of four wives my mother Janet (whose phone number you have now) is not happy about the illegal suggestions he is making surrounding my fate with Matt Zenger. My father did not answer my phone calls at all last year while like this nor did he [illegible] raise me directly. I visited my grandparents (his parents) every other weekend, not him. My mother’s mother the village level judge you know about always helped get “blood out of a stone” by helping the cause of my father always losing in family court back in the day. A mere federal financial indictment on him will encourage him…”

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    “…to do legitimate work for once so [illegible] don’t fight over his outstanding debt one day. Also so he doesn’t fall behind in rent payments to your Sinatra relation as he IS prone to do. Keep in mind his 4th and current wife F—– only got her citizenship last year after this happened to me after more than ten years of being here. She is from Marrakech, Morocco. I taught her how to drive in 2016 so she could get her NY driver’s license.

    There’s your Henry Kissinger-style “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac” move from me. After you initiate an audit and indictment on my father, you can call his first wife and take her to George Borrello’s next fundraiser and tell her about it. You’re welcome. You have had my inner personal blessing to do this since at least May and June but Alex wouldn’t let me write a real letter to you last year. Oh also my father has illegally voted in Florida while living in NY before.

    I am concerned about Katie. My mother called NY state troopers on her last year and now there is NY state trooper paperwork proof saying Katie had schizophrenia and appeared to be on drugs at her front door. She and Matt Zenger worked together in September trying to get me arrested illegally claiming old license plates of mine that were legally turned in last year and I’m sure there is still police proof of this too. My mother said Katie had my FBI Discovery last year before any of us did. Marianne Mariano did not trust Katie last year when she met Katie face to face. I am concerned Katie may illegally produce fingerprints of mine and smother them all over her car and this why we need to get [Victim-1/R.G.] audited so we know who his employees are.

    I would also like to see Michael Crick subpoena’d into this as a witness. He is on the Salamanca Zoning Board and he is a Lilydale NY accredited medium intimately aware of my situation with [romantic obsession Benjamin/Ryan] since July 2020. Nobody wants to be in their 60s with no relationship like Michael is and I am sick of being lead on with no light at the end of the tunnel yet. Horizons Mental Health employees said we have a mental health right to sexual needs and so far this entire case against me has been a human rights damnation on me. Felonies are an unconstitutional phenomenon damning the Freedom to Assemble. Time for a Constitutional Amendment banning them.

    I hope the next court appearance solves problems between everyone positively. I think it can.

    -Luke Wenke”

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #86 – 10/25/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #86 – 10/25/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #86) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision from the Cattaraugus County Jail in October 2023.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #86 – Filed October 25th, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #86 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Dear John,

    I have been face to face with Carl Paladino alone in his office July 2019. I was one of George Borrello’s top donors as late as 2021 before this mess happened to me. David DiPietro and I sat at the bagel and cream cheese diner by his East Aurora house May 2019 and talked about things like Ron Paul and Upstate NY statehood. The mother to the former owner of Salamanca Napoli’s Pizza, Helen [illegible], told me when I worked there in 2011 that I was ‘too honest for my own good.’ You also know thanks to another letter I sent you that we came from a lifetime of facing my village level judge of a grandmother Carolyn Giardini.

    John Sinatra you don’t get to tell me I don’t know how to live and work with people around me, so I am going to get us off to a positive headstart for October 26th by doing my best to prove you wrong [illegible] letter. When I got back home from Allenwood March 31st, one of many things I did except get all teary eyed when I saw that Benjamin got 48 months and told myself wow I would have shut up and waited had I known that, I also looked you up. You are in your 50s and you don’t have a significant other on your Wikipedia. Did I make fun of you? No, I said wow he’s in the same boat I am. Wow, Covid probably hijacked his social life like it did to the rest of us. So here’s what I’m going to do to start off my ‘proving John Sinatra wrong’ experiment.

    My mother Janet McCaul is in that picture of me, her, and George Borrello you see in my court files. She is a piano teacher, SUNY graduate (Fredonia) Masters degree. Use your nieces, nephews, and other younger relatives’ music lessons needs to give yourself an excuse to go see her in Salamanca. We were supposed to go to George’s fundraiser in June, too bad off to Chautauqua County Jail with me so I could get diagnosed with borderline personality traits. The St. Cecilia portrait I got for her in 2021 watches over her piano room. That is her house and guys go after her for her money, not the other way around. 716-***-****. Ask her about her cousin Angela Giardini Nelson, she’s a major force organizing events at St. Bonaventure University Angela’s husband Tom beats her too often, go fix that problem.

    My 71 year old grandmother Cindy Nye Wenke hasn’t been married to my grandfather since 2005 and she always did look young for her age. Use her seamstress business available at 716-***-**** as an excuse to perfect your judge gown and take her shopping at her ex-boyfriend Greg DiCola’s Olean store Armond’s Fashion For Men and demand he lower his prices to your liking. Do well with all of the three of them and maybe next we’ll get my 80 year old junkyard millionaire cousin Bob Giardini (NY state troopers had to talk…”

    Side Note in Margin: “Angela’s sister Valerie was once a corrections officer at this very jail I’m at, Valerie is two years older than me, I don’t know her relationship situation these days so ask about her too.”

    Page 2

    “…to him while I was at Chautauqua County Jail because he took a back hoe to his neighbor) to introduce you to his recently college graduated granddaughters. Ok so I did my best there trying to prove this ‘Luke doesn’t work well with people around him’ accusation wrong in terms of personal stuff, not financial stuff. On August 10th when I left jail, my father Kevin Wenke got a tour of a Sinatra rental property in Buffalo and now he rents it. 407-***-****, make sure his University of Tennessee MBA is put to good use and he does Sinatra family business paperwork in case he needs to make a deal with you guys if he falls behind in rent. He DOES have a lot of debt, my grandfather had to buy him a new car last year while I was at Allenwood and then he sold the car he got for free because who knows why.

    Oakley sunglasses stock in the spring before summer, North Face winter jacket stock in the fall right before snow. Go profit off stock speculation all you need. The minimum wage in Brazil is $258 USD per month, way lower than China’s. Why can’t Sinatras make everything for sale at Walmart cheaper in Brazil? Why can’t Donald Trump Judge John Sinatra look into every last Prohibition bootlegging era conspiracy entrapment that happened and get them posthumously overturned? Go put on a pinstripe suit, put a shiny ring on every finger, take a picture and put it on your book entitled ‘Mafia Judge’ and go talk about it on Bill Maher’s show. Those things are just as overturn-able in front of the US Supreme Court as mine is — June 2023, a Colorado guy who did 4.5 years starting in 2014 got overturned on grounds of ‘raising the bar for free speech’, July 2023 someone who screamed way too hard at an elections official in a different state over email got overturned. Do it to mine, produce a wrongful incarceration check for every day I did like this, and donate every dollar to any charitable cause because I don’t need the money. I just helped you with business matters big time.

    I am not a public safety threat. A few weeks before this little stunt happened, Matt Zenger can gladly testify to Katie trying to get me arrested by lying to police saying I was using my license plates that were legally turned in over a year ago by her house. Marianne Mariano should be prepared with those facts too. I know Brett nor Katie will admit guilt in court on October 26th, I expect one big I Plead The Fifth Palooza from those guys. Matt Zenger lied to me when he said ‘Come to Buffalo for a UA test’ and then boom jail. Making false statements in court gets us a Class A misdemeanor and Helen [illegible] said I’m too honest for my own good, remember?

    Brett and Lauren have two other younger sons they homeschool, they need to teach them cursive rather than holding ‘Luke Wenke handwriting plagiarism 101’ as I presume they do. Court documented evidence of all of them [illegible] my handwriting for a while now, they won’t be admitting guilt to any of my accusations Marianne Mariano knows about. I know you see the heartbreak that drags on and on with mine and Benjamin’s forced separation, might as well put him on the FedJet, fly him here, and marry us in handcuffs in front of you to save the extraordinary ‘Freedom to Assemble’ violation taking place not letting me and him talk things out like adults.

    I am in touch with Rob Yates with the North Carolina Libertarian Party again, that helps. Also I don’t recall Lauren specifically being in my ‘don’t contact’ paperwork nor do I know the emotional relationship status between her and Brett, last I know Brett and Lauren had issues. Katie, who I’ve known for 13 years, can explain. Looking forward to talking. -Luke Wenke”

  • Luke Wenke Letters – Document #71 – 08/24/2023

    Luke Wenke Letters – Document #71 – 08/24/2023

    Luke Wenke mailed this two-page letter (Document #71) to the Buffalo, New York-based judge overseeing his federal cyberstalking case and post-release supervision in August 2023.

    USA v. Wenke – 1:22-cr-00035
    Document #71 – Filed August 24th, 2023

    USA v. Luke Wenke – Document #71 – Letter

    Page 1

    “Hello Mr. Sinatra,

    I want to show my more pleasant side by directly keep you up to date with my situation. I want this ugly part of my life to end as quickly as possible.

    Group therapy three times a week from Olean to Buffalo each time over a Carl Paladino-style email fight from January 2022 with a stranger I never met representing someone my heart beated for three years ago is definitely something that feels like an Obamacare-style government overreach but the survival strategy for the moment looks like it’ll have to be Skyy Homes medical transportation full time hours on the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I am in my own home county and then I will get my old Doordash deliverer account gig going on the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I am mandated to be in Buffalo. There are many people present at group therapy with much more intense and longer lasting mental health issues than I face so perhaps I need to use the time I have with those people to motivate them and boost their moods. Even some of the therapists at Horizons have said they have faced the same mental health issues during Covid their clients have face. We need to work together so our human environment can improve.

    I wish to provide some transparency to you. Daniel Christmann of the Capitol Riot was one of my 2019 Libertarian presidential candidates. He has been to my house before; before Covid, I am told he is being evicted from his Brooklyn, NY apartment. I do not know what is coming of his situation but I don’t want anyone’s situation to continue to step on my toes. I am perfectly fine with everyone knowing what’s what so they’re on the same page. I am someone who helped Officers Stover and Walker at Allenwood with K2 and where it comes from. I am aware Pope Francis and the Saudi royals like the coca plant but I am fine with that stuff being FDA regulated. It did not take gay men shooting women dead and lesbians shooting men…”

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    “…dead to achieve legalized gay marriage. I want no bad combat in the world anymore.

    I am convinced that our country fighting with itself in recent years, ranging everywhere in between fighting with government to a rise in domestic violence cases is comparable to people in high school getting in a fight and later on coming out friends. When an entire country does this it takes longer than an overnight deep breath to resolve things. Perhaps we can ALL learn patience.

    I got back home thanks to your heartwarming time served ruling, right away fake numbers started to text me. I have them saved. I went to a Buffalo computer store to see if they could track the IP address, nope. I called Olean Police for help and they said it’s hard to verify to just get a restraining order against anybody. At the end of 2021 I called Olean Police on the eviction ban abusing neighbor who broke in and they were unable to help. Hopefully one day I no longer feel government working against me. Lots of homeowners in Olean feeling disrespected and trying to sell.

    Joe Biden did not have an Ambassador to Russia until after Britney Griner came back. Federal labor shortages appear comparable to Burger King labor shortages. I research the Ambassadors to other countries and who they are and the career politician phenomenon appears to hit the Ambassador positions too. You remember me showing you that my grandmother Carolyn Giardini was the Justice of the Peace for the town of Carrollton, NY. My grandfather Paul Wenke was head of the Cattaraugus County Labor Dept. The new President of Brazil went from President, 19 months in prison, to President. Mr. Sinatra how are we going to take my ugly situation of the 2020s and create positive theatre for the people to see–a U.S. Sentencing Judge swears one of George Borrello’s former top tier donors in as an Ambassador eventually? -Luke Wenke”